Thursday, March 27, 2014


It has been a while since our last confession (and you can still visit our old blog - - for our past entries until we get everything put together in one place). Nothing new here...just the proud owners of a 1996 BlueBird 78 Passenger Diesel School Bus! "For what?!", you say? How about for the ever-continuing VonRowdy Adventure as we take our kids on the road to life lessons, pavement, friends and family and the exploration of the time-space continuum. (The Doctor has the TARDIS; we've got the BLUEBIRD). A shout out to Tim and Damon at Don Brown's Bus Sales for all their help!!! Stage one: we FINALLY have the bus, now what? Well, seat removal mostly. And then building it out. What everyone wants to know..."Will that thing have a toilet?!". Yup, and a whole lot more. Do we know what we are doing? Not entirely, but that is what this whole thing is about. Not being afraid to learn, even when it is messy and dirty and awkward and uncomfortable and not just when it is clean and safe in neat rows with hall passes and common core, hired professionals with degrees, waiting for the bell to ring and such! SO if you have some knowledge about bus conversion you'd like to lay down upon us (or free building supplies, frankly)...BRING IT, we say! :) Is there a road trip forthcoming? ABSOLUTELY!!!! Cali, here we come! And if we succeed without killing each other in such a small space to the West and back, perhaps that is just the test run for this 'Ol Girl! "Live in a bus?!", you say! It cannot be done!" Well, it has, and it is. The question is how does it suit us? Unknown. Stay tuned.